January 1 "A Christmas Thank You"

I am a big believer in Thank You cards. My grandmother always expected one and taught my sisters and I how important it was let someone know you appreciated what they did for you! I am passing on this tradition to my son who is 9.

This year I created mini Thank You cards for him to send to people who gave him a Christmas gift. I used scraps from Close to My Heart White Pines paper pack and White Pines Compliments. They are perfect for neighbors as we don't have to mail them.


  1. What a lovely way to start the year, and a beautiful tradition to pass on to your son. I look forward to your year full of cards, and learning where you are sending them. - Fawn

  2. I think more people need to send Thank-you cards! These are cute and will mean a lot to the recipients. I look forward to seeing all your cards this year!


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